Favored Position of God's Workers Today.
God's workers today constitute the connecting link between the former workers, the church of history, and the church that is to be called out from the world and prepared to meet their Lord. The tide of spiritual life is to flow through the appointed channels, as in the history of the past. From age to age the light which God has for the world has been imparted to the church militant, and God is continuing to impart precious light. All who receive light are to diffuse it to those who sit in darkness. All the excellencies that have come through the belief of the truth from past ages to the present time, are to be treated with the utmost respect. Let not the truth entrusted to our keeping lose its force and power through our careless misuse of body or mind. {SpTA07 11.1}
The present laborers should be stirred to make improvement as they see how former workers have weakened their powers, so that their services have been lost to the cause of God. Let the history and experience of those who have made mistakes be a warning to others. God desires his servants to live, not to die before their work is done. All should be constantly seeking to learn the best methods of working, and should be improving their physical, mental, and moral powers. {SpTA07 11.2}
Many a time those who feel the importance of truth, and have a burning desire to hold forth the word of life, find themselves cut off from labor because of their lack of physical strength. Important ends are to be attained, an extensive work is to be done, and if the human agents are to be used by the Holy Spirit to do that work with power, they must work intelligently, and keep themselves in the very best condition for success. {SpTA07 11.3}