Meeting Criticism.
Clothe yourselves with the whole armor of God, move steadily forward, and be not greatly influenced by criticism, reproach, or censure. Bear in mind that the messengers whom God sends must go without the camp and bear reproach for Christ's sake. Whatever may come to you, remember that Christ has borne all this and more for you. Whatever course of action you may pursue, there will be some one to criticize and censure you. Move forward in the fear and love of God, strengthening yourselves by faith, having courage in the Lord, and being always cheerful. The truth is solemn, elevating, and ennobling in its influence. The message of warning given to the world is to call attention from earthly things to matters of eternal interest. The truth will ever sanctify the receiver; those who preach the truth must be sanctified through it. But when they make special efforts to accommodate themselves to the peculiar ideas and feelings of their hearers, in order to avoid criticism, they will weaken their own testimony, and fail of the object they wish to secure. They will do injustice to their mission, injustice to themselves, and also to those who criticize them. All who are working for the Master can and should improve in their methods of labor, but they can do this only as they shall study diligently the life of Christ, and practise his virtues. Do not permit murmuring and fault-finding to weaken your hands and dim your hopes. "Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread." {SpTA07 5.3}