Value of a Consistent Life.
The Lord's workers cannot be too careful that their actions do not contradict their words; for a consistent life alone can command respect. If our practise harmonizes with our teaching, our words will have effect; but a piety which is not based upon conscientious principles, is as salt without savor. To speak, and do not, is as a sounding brass, and a tinkling cymbal. It is of no use for us to strive to inculcate principles which we do not conscientiously practise. {SpTA07 37.1}
Watch unto prayer. In this way alone can you put your whole being into the Lord's work. Self must be put in the background. Those who make self prominent, gain an education that soon becomes second nature to them, and they will soon fail to realize that instead of uplifting Jesus, they uplift themselves; that instead of being channels through which the living water can flow to refresh others, they absorb the sympathies and affections of those around them. This is not loyalty to our crucified Lord. {SpTA07 37.2}