The Work of an Evangelist.
Teaching the Scriptures, praying in families,-- this is the work of an evangelist, and this work is to be mingled with your preaching. If it is omitted, preaching will be, to a great extent, a failure. You need to be jealous of yourself. You and your wife need to come close to the people by personal effort. Teach them that the love of God must come into the inner sanctuary of the home life. If you so desire, you may have the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to help you in your work. {SpTA07 46.3}
We are carrying the last message of mercy to a perishing world, and God calls upon us to bring freshness and power into our work. We can do this only by the aid of the Holy Spirit. Hereditary tendencies and wrong habits must be disciplined and oft crucified. Humble yourself under the hand of God; for your ways are not God's ways, and you both have much to learn in the school of Christ. {SpTA07 47.1}
Last night these words of instruction were spoken to you: "Counsel with your brethren. Your plans need the careful consideration of other minds. Warnings have been given in regard to depending upon men and trusting in their wisdom. The tempter aims to lead men astray by persuading them to cease looking to Jesus for strength and efficiency, and to make flesh their arm. This has been done in many cases. Satan has laid his trap to catch men and win them to his side by trying to prevail upon them to depend upon their finite, erring fellow men." {SpTA07 47.2}