A World-Wide Work.
. . . Time is short, and all who believe this message should feel that a solemn obligation rests upon them to be whole-hearted, disinterested workers, ever exerting an influence on the right side, and never, by word or action, arraying themselves against those who are seeking to build up and advance the work. The ideas of our brethren are altogether too narrow; they expect but little; their faith is too feeble. Genuine faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. If the few who now believe the message will give no place to the enemy, and will unselfishly concentrate their efforts on the one object of building up the cause of God, the present truth will become a power in -----. {SpTA07 16.2}
But your conceptions of the work need to be greatly enlarged. Our message is to go forth in power to all parts of the world, . . . to all nations, tongues, and peoples. Many countries are waiting for the advanced light the Lord has for them, and your faith must grow, that you may meet the demands for this time. Go forward and upward; God will work in accordance with your faith and devotedness to the advancement of his cause. But if you exalt self, and do not walk in humility before him, he cannot entrust you with the endowment of his Holy Spirit; for it would exalt you to your ruin. You will meet with opposition and discouragement; but God will go before you if you walk humbly and prayerfully, constantly considering that Christ in his work will not fail nor be discouraged. Bear in mind that it is not faith to talk of impossibilities. Nothing is impossible with God. {SpTA07 17.1}