A Deciding Question.
The light concerning the binding claims of the law of God is to be presented everywhere. This is to be a deciding question. It will test and prove the world. Men will find many apparent reasons to excuse their resistance of light and evidence; they will venture to pursue a course of disobedience, thinking to avoid responsibility and reproach. Every teacher of the truth, every laborer together with God, will pass through searching, trying hours, when faith and patience will be severely tested. You are to be prepared by the grace of Christ to go forward, although apparent impossibilities obstruct the way. You have a present help in every time of emergency. The Lord allows you to meet obstacles, that you may seek unto Him who is your strength and sufficiency. Pray most earnestly for the wisdom that comes from God; he will open the way before you, and give you precious victories if you will walk humbly before him. {SpTA07 17.2}