Practical Instruction.
"Sunnyside," Cooranbong, N. S. W., June 14, 1896. (Recopied Aug. 11, 1896.)
Dear Brother and Sister -----:--
Last Friday night I was conversing with you, telling you something with reference to your methods of labor. The heavenly Watcher stood beside us, and I wish I could write every word he uttered; but I fear that I cannot. You said, "I wish I knew in regard to my duty. In some way I do not feel satisfied with the result of my labor." The voice of the One beside us was then heard, saying, "Have faith in God; learn of Christ Jesus. When you handle the sacred truths of God's word, keep Christ uplifted. Your great need is to learn Christ's manner of teaching. When you are teaching the people, present only a few vital points, and keep your mind concentrated on these points. You bring unimportant ideas into your discourses. These are not always a savor of life unto life, and have no real connection with your text. By wandering from straight lines, and bringing in that which calls the mind off the subject, you weaken all that you have previously said." {SpTA07 42.1}