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An organization that claims to be a religion has to be examined by a Christian member, as to its Christology, to establish if Jesus Christ is the central figure and perfecter of the doctrine of that organization as well as of Christianity. If the Christology is defective, then the organization has no place in a Christian's life.


1. Morals & Dogma - A Pike, says on page 525:

"It reverences all the great reformers. It sees in Moses, the lawgiver of the Jews, in Confucius and Zoroaster, in Jesus of Nazareth, and in the Arabian Iconoclast, Great Teachers of Morality, and Eminent Reformers, if no more: and allows every brother of the Order to assign to each higher and even Divine Character as his Creed and Truth require."

Christ here, has to fall in line into the doctrine of Universalism.

2. Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia page 40, states:

"It sees in the Christ another example of the great souls, religious exemplars, and humanitarians who have appeared at intervals in the world's history and who may be understood as inter- preters of the Infinite or as those who try to relate man to God."

3. Encyclopedia of Freemasonry - A. Mackey, Page 622 states:

"The messengers, twelve in number, are supposed by the author to appear at intervals of 600 years. Thus: 1. Adam, A.M. 3000; 2. Enoch A.M. 3600; 3. Fohi, A.M. 4200; 4. Brigoo, A.M. 4800; 5. Zaratusht, A.M. 5400; 6. Thoth A.M. 6000; 7. Amosis or Moses A.M. 6600 8. Laotseu, A.M. 7200; 9. Jesus, A.M. 7800; 10.Mohammed, A.M. 8400; ll.ChengizKhan A.M. 9000 12.the twelfth messenger yet to be revealed, A.M. 9600.

If Jesus Christ is ninth in line of the twelve messengers or ascended masters, eleven of which have already appeared and one is yet to be revealed, then Jesus is not God for all time, but for his period in history. This is New Age philosophy and this philosophy reduces Jesus Christ to one of twelve religious and moral reformers. This belief in unscriptural and herisayical.

4. In the iniation of the 33 degree Scottish Rite, taken from Scottish Rite Masonry Illustrated, Vol. II, page 476- 477, states: "We have not persecuted the unfortunate nation of Judah, for having sentenced to death our beloved Sovereign, Jesus of Nazareth, the Apostle of the duties and rights of man, but we must crush forever superstition, fanaticism and intolerance. They, and not the children of Israel were guilty. Let us show them no mercy, and thereby secure the blessings of liberty of conscience. Each child of God must worship his father, according to his own conscience and enjoy those prerogatives of the heart and mind of which God alone is the Supreme Judge. We have not to avenge the murder of Jacques de Molay and the Templars, but we must never allow, if in our power to prevent it any living man to possess sufficient power to accomplish another such crime.

No man has a right to usurp a power which belongs to God alone. No man is above his brother, except by intellect, charity, good deeds and education. No man has God given authority to replace and represent him on earth, and all those who pretend to be his ministers E representatives must not be believed. Our ignorance and selfishness lone give these usurpers the power, which th wield for the gratification of their impio schemes.

In this degree, the Jews are excused for crucifying Christ and accuses Christ of trying to represent God on earth, and therfore his murder is justified. This is the central theme of Freemasonry and its purpose is to destroy Christianity which Freemasonry brands as superstition, fanaticism and intolerance. Fellow Christians, please-think seriously and pray that the Holy Spirit will help you understand and guide you.

A. Mackey, in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry says that there is no provision for the redemption of sins in the -Masonic religion. If there is no recognition of sin there is no need for Jesus Christ. This is another result why He is referred to only as a good moral teacher and reformer, equal to Confucius, Zoroaster and Mohammad. The denial of the saving Blood of Jesus Christ is the central theme of the Masonic religion. Christ is mentioned in the so-called Christian degrees of the Scottish Rite only to support ritual, but his power is denied. This further misleads Christian members. This view is in direct opposition to @Beli@'s . Statement of Faith.

Here is what God says in the Holy Bible about His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

John 5:23 "that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him."

Matthew 28:18 "Then Jesus came and said: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given me."

Philippians 2:9,10,11 "Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the Father."

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