Sanitarium, Cal., May 15, 1906.
To the Medical Superintendent of the Melrose Sanitarium.
Dear Brother: It was a wonderful providence that brought us into possession of the Melrose sanitarium property. Let us work out by faith God's purpose for this institution. It is to be an important outpost-center, from which to work the city of Boston. You, my brother, understand the instruction that the Lord has given regarding this matter. {SpTB13 14.1}
Never in any way should the Melrose sanitarium be placed under the influence of any man or set of men at Battle Creek. Not one of our sanitariums should be swayed by plans of human devising. The Lord is to manage our sanitariums, and He positively forbids that the sanitarium at Melrose shall in any respect be under the guidance of those who have resisted the counsel of the Lord regarding the proper union of the evangelical and medical work. Were men outside of New England to have a controlling voice in your organization and plans, great perplexity would attend your work. {SpTB13 14.2}
I now say to you, in the name of the Lord, Cut loose from Battle Creek. Sever every connection. The course recently taken by some to hinder the Melrose sanitarium from forming a perfect organic union with the conferences from which its support and patronage come, is exactly the course that God has warned us would be taken. When listening to the men who have taken this course, you are under an influence the character of which you do not realize. The spiritual understanding of some men whom we have greatly respected in past years, is not now to be depended upon. . . .
{SpTB13 14.3}
My brother, the Lord will lead you, but never, never through a human agency that is under the influence of the enemy of our souls. The Lord has given you a most favorable place in which to care for the sick, and to labor in His service, and He will bless you and your wife so long as you look to Him for guidance. But if you lean upon human help, you will find that your dependence is as a broken reed. I am bidden to say to you and your wife, Guard yourselves against every deceptive influence. As you do this, God will tenderly lead and guide you, and bless you in your position of responsibility. {SpTB13 15.1}
In past years, you have taken a special interest in the upbuilding of the Melrose sanitarium, and the Lord has blessed your efforts. He will still help you, if you will do His will. Do not, I beseech of you, break away from Melrose now, when you have before you so many wonderful opportunities for service. The Lord has a special work for you to do in Boston. The standard of present truth is to be exalted in that great city, and, in God's providence, you and your colaborers are situated where you can co-operate with others in doing a noble and far-reaching work in that important center of influence. {SpTB13 15.2}
Brother -----, I wish to express my great thankfulness to God that you have the privilege of engaging in so good a work. This is the very work you ought to do in connection with the medical missionary work. Your position as a physician of experience, and your wife's position, give you influence. It has been very plainly presented to me by the Lord that you and your wife have been placed where you have many opportunities for accomplishing much good. A second physician--one who is competent to assist you, and who, withal, is sound in the faith-- should be connected with you; and reliable help should also be provided for your wife. This would give both of you more freedom. {SpTB13 15.3}
It is the will of the Lord, Brother_____, that you and your associates shall blend your talents in carrying forward the work of the Melrose sanitarium. He desires that our people shall conduct this institution in harmony with the light that He has given. God established this sanitarium, to be a means in His hands of accomplishing great good. . . . {SpTB13 16.1}
God's judgments are in the land. Whole cities and villages will be blotted out. Boston is to be warned now, and we are to allow nothing to divert our minds from the responsibility of fulfilling God's purpose in establishing the Melrose sanitarium, which purpose He desires to work out through us. {SpTB13 16.2}
As physicians and ministers let us labor in unity. The Lord will work with power, as we strive to do our part faithfully. He will cause Boston to hear the message of present truth. Co-operate with Him in bringing this about, my brother, my sister, and He will help you, strengthen you, and encourage your hearts through the salvation of many precious souls. {SpTB13 16.3}