The Buildings
The sanitarium buildings are fairly well adapted to their present use. They were originally used as a hotel, but have been easily adapted to the sanitarium purposes, though, of course, some changes had to be made. The buildings, with the forty acres of land were purchased for thirty-nine thousand dollars. There was about six thousand dollars' worth of furniture in the buildings, and for this no additional charge was made. {SpTB13 5.3}
I have been instructed that it was in the providence of God that our people obtained possession of this place. I have also been instructed that proper facilities should be provided for the increasing number of patients. Many from Boston and other places will come to this institution, to be away from the din and bustle of the city. Additional buildings will have to be put up. Rooms must be provided for the rich as well as for the poor. The money of the rich is needed: it will be a great help to the institution. . . . {SpTB13 6.1}
At the time that the sanitarium work was removed from South Lancaster to Melrose, I bore testimony to the wisdom of the change, and I now say again, The providence of God has been revealed in the transfer. The Melrose sanitarium is a place that will be well patronized; and great good will be accomplished by the institution if it is rightly conducted. . . . {SpTB13 6.2}
There should be accommodations for those who desire and are willing to pay for rooms with a private bath-room. People come here who say that they are willing to pay whatever is asked for rooms which are just what they want. But they see nothing that satisfies them, and they go away. Accommodations must be provided for people of this class. We are to labor in the highways as well as in the byways. {SpTB13 6.3}
I am instructed that Boston must be worked; and I know that the possession of this sanitarium site is one of the greatest blessings that could come to our work in the Eastern States. A hundred or more might be cared for here were there suitable accommodations. Therefore we advise that the work on the new building be begun soon, so that patients of the wealthy class may be cared for. This class must hear the message. Let those in charge counsel together, and make arrangements to put up a building that will provide the necessary accommodations. The doors, windows, and other material brought from South Lancaster, and now lying idle in the barn, can be utilized. Remember, this material was a gift. {SpTB13 6.4}
We rejoice that the Lord in His providence has guided us to this place. No buildings can be put up near the sanitarium, by other parties. There is here nothing to offend the sense of sight or the sense of smell, and care must be taken that there shall be nothing of the kind. I am instructed that close inspection is being made by those who are not supposed to be inspectors. Everything about the buildings will be investigated. Note will be taken of the care given to the barns and stables; therefore there must be no laxness or looseness in the care of the premises. Let everything be such that it will bear favorable testimony to the institutions. {SpTB13 7.1}
Those who are acting a prominent part in connection with this sanitarium should be encouraged by what the Lord has done in behalf of the institution. . . . Let all who are connected with the sanitarium move forward unitedly, inquiring at every crisis, What would Christ do were he in my place? . . . Come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Satanic agencies are constantly seeking to discourage and destroy those who will listen to the counsel of the enemy. Keep close to the word of God; for it is spirit and life. Then the Lord will be able to say of you, "Ye are laborers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building." {SpTB13 7.2}