San Jose, Cal., June 26, 1905.
Dear Brethren and Sisters: As we returned from General Conference, we stopped ten days in Southern California, and between the council meetings at Los Angeles we made a short visit to San Diego, and spent four days at the Paradise Valley Sanitarium. {SpTB03c 20.1}
I am so much pleased to see this sanitarium fully furnished and in running order. I was glad to see the patients and hear of their improvement in health. My heart rejoices as I review the way in which the providence of God worked to help us to secure this property. The building is home-like and is admirably adapted for sanitarium work; and since the opening of the institution, the patronage has been good. Even before the building was ready, patients began to come. They urged themselves in before those in charge were ready to receive them. It was impossible to refuse to admit them, and the workers have done the best that could be done under the circumstances. A most interesting class of patients have come, among them ministers, lawyers, stockmen, farmers, and state senators. {SpTB03c 20.2}
So far the work has been carried on under difficulties. The building has been furnished completely and well, and yet without extravagance. But it has never been supplied with proper treatment rooms, and it is impossible for the workers to do satisfactory work without better facilities in this respect. Good work has been done in the small treatment rooms which were in the original building, but the nurses have had to contend with many difficulties. {SpTB03c 20.3}
Plans have been drawn up by a competent architect for a two-story addition in the form of an L, which will provide more kitchen room, a helpers' dining-room, eleven more bedrooms for patients, an operating room, physicians' offices, and complete, roomy bath rooms. I am in harmony with the plans for this addition. The treatment-rooms are practically outside the present main building, and yet are connected with it. They are to be provided with every facility for giving thorough treatment. {SpTB03c 21.1}
It is estimated that about eight thousand dollars will be needed to build, furnish, and equip this addition, including the treatment-rooms. We have not in hand the necessary means, and we ask those who have money that they can spare to help us to put this institution in complete working order. The treatment-rooms are a positive necessity to the best success of the institution. The main building is all that could be desired. It was in the providence of God that we obtained it at so low a price. Its original cost was about twenty-five thousand dollars. The grounds are well laid out, and beautified by ornamental trees. The climate is all that could be desired. There are no reasons why the sick can not be treated successfully at this institution, but the necessity must be provided. {SpTB03c 21.2}
More decided efforts are to be put forth in Southern California. There is a great work to be done in this field. We have done all in our power to advance the work there, and now that this sanitarium property in San Diego County has been purchased, we call upon our brethren and sisters to aid us in properly equipping the institution that we may do successful work. I ask those who have been entrusted with the Lord's money to make gifts to this sanitarium, that it may be prepared to do the work that must be done for the sick and suffering. {SpTB03c 21.3}
Brethren and sisters, I plead with you to help forward our sanitarium work. The Paradise Valley Sanitarium is in need of assistance. We have evidence that the money expended there has been used wisely and well. The strictest economy has been shown in all that has been done, and advantage has been taken of every opportunity to save means. At the beginning of our work, the manager heard of some furniture for sale by a family leaving the district. He went to see it, and found that they could obtain some first-class furniture for the same price they would have to pay for a cheaper grade. They gladly availed themselves of the opportunity, and thus obtained very cheaply enough furniture of the very best quality to furnish five rooms. {SpTB03c 21.4}
I know that the work of the sanitarium must be carried forward. During the two visits that I have made to the institution, I have realized that the Spirit of the Lord is in the sanitarium, and that the work is being carried on in a way that will glorify God. Those in the institution are doing all in their power to make it what the Lord desires it to be. Every morning worship is held in the parlor, and the patients are invited to attend. I have had most precious seasons of refreshing in attending these services. A portion of scripture is read, then there is singing, and earnest prayers are offered that the great Medical Missionary will let His health-giving presence bring light and comfort and peace. I have had the privilege of speaking to those assembled at these seasons of worship, and I myself have been comforted in the effort to help and encourage others. I testify that the blessing of the Lord has come to us in rich currents of love and hope and joy. I have realized the presence of the great Healer, and I know His power will be exercised upon the sick and suffering, to bless and heal. . . . {SpTB03c 22.1}
My brethren and sisters, I ask you to help us in preparing the Paradise Valley Sanitarium to do the best service, so that the work will tell for time and eternity. I ask you, my dear friends, to help us in this time of need, and I believe you will. {SpTB03c 22.2}