Cultivation of the Voice -- Young men and women, has God placed in your hearts a desire to do service for Him? Then by all means cultivate the voice to the
utmost of your ability, so that you can make plain the precious truth to others. Do not fall into the habit of praying so indistinctly and in so low a tone that your prayers need an interpreter. Pray simply, but clearly and distinctly. To let the voice sink so low that it cannot be heard, is no evidence of humility.-- GW 89.
Power to Communicate -- The extent of a Christian's usefulness is measured by his power to communicate that which he has received, and which has become experience to him. Education falls short if students do not obtain a knowledge of how to use the faculty of speech, and how to use to the best advantage the education they have obtained. The youth are to commence when young to learn the proper manner of speech.-- Ms 74, 1897.
Thorough Training in Correct Language -- If your students, besides studying God's Word, learn no more than how to use correctly the English language in reading, writing, and speaking, a great work will have been accomplished. Those who are trained for service in the Lord's cause should be taught how to talk properly in ordinary conversation and before congregations. Many a labourer's usefulness is marred by his ignorance in regard to correct breathing and clear, forcible speaking. Many have not learned to give the right emphasis to the words they read and speak. Often the enunciation is indistinct. A thorough training in the use of the
English language is of far more value to a youth than a superficial study of foreign languages, to the neglect of his mother tongue.-- CT 207, 208.
Reading and Speaking With Ease -- A great injury is often done our young men by permitting them to commence to preach when they have not sufficient knowledge of the Scriptures to represent our faith in an intelligent manner. Some who enter the field are mere novices in the Scriptures. In other things also they are incompetent and inefficient. They cannot read the Scriptures without hesitating, miscalling words, and jumbling them together in such a manner that the Word of God is abused. Those who are not qualified to present the truth in a proper manner need not be perplexed with regard to their duty. Their place is that of learners, not teachers. Young men who wish to prepare for the ministry are greatly benefited by attending our college; but advantages are still needed that they may be qualified to become acceptable speakers. A teacher should be employed to educate the youth to speak without wearing the vocal organs. The manners also should receive attention.-- 4T 405, 406.
Perfection of Speech and Voice -- The teachers in our schools should not tolerate in the students ungainly attitudes and uncouth gestures, wrong intonations in reading, or incorrect accents or emphasis. Perfection of speech and voice should be urged upon every student. Because of carelessness
and bad training, habits are often contracted which are great hindrances in the work of a minister who has otherwise educated talent. The student must be impressed that he has it in his power, by combining grace with effort, to make himself a man. The mental and physical capabilities with which God has adorned him may by cultivation and painstaking effort become a power to benefit his fellow men.-- Ev 668, 669.
Need of Improving Tones of the Voice -- Students, God has given you the talent of speech. He desires you to improve this talent. You can improve the tones of the voice. Be determined to make yourself, through the grace of God, as perfect as possible. If you are correct in speech and action, those who associate with you will be blessed by the association. Those who are hasty and impetuous in speech say a great many things they will not wish to meet in the judgement.
Do not let a word fall from your lips that will stir up strife in another heart. God desires your words to be of such a character that they will bring sunshine instead of gloom, harmony instead of animosity.-- Ms 65, 1901.
Ability to Speak Plainly -- Unless students who are preparing for work in the cause of God are trained to speak in a clear, straightforward manner, they will be shorn of half their influence for good. Whatever his calling is to be, the student should learn to control the voice. The ability to
speak plainly and distinctly, in full, round tones, is invaluable in any line of work, and it is indispensable to those who desire to become ministers, evangelists, Bible workers, or canvassers.-- CT 217.
Watchfulness of Manner, Tone, and Language -- The workman for God should make earnest efforts to become a representative of Christ, discarding all uncomely gestures and uncouth speech. He should endeavour to use correct language. There is a large class who are careless in the way they speak, yet by careful, painstaking attention these may become representatives of the truth. Every day they should make advancement. They should not detract from their usefulness and influence by cherishing defects of manner, tone, or language. Common, cheap expressions should be replaced by sound, pure words. By constant watchfulness and earnest discipline the Christian youth may keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile.
We should be careful not to give an incorrect pronunciation of our words. There are men among us who in theory know better than to use incorrect language, yet who in practise make frequent mistakes. -- CT 238, 239.
Speaking With Respect to All -- The talent of speech is a very precious talent, and should in no case be perverted. The tongue is an unruly member, but it should not be so. That member which is improperly used in profane speech should be converted to utter praise to God. If all the students
would make decided efforts to change their mode of thinking, of speaking, and of acting, in the family circle restraining all words that are not kind and courteous, and speaking with respect to all; if they would bear in mind that they are here preparing to become members of the family in heaven, what a reformatory influence would go forth from every home! . . .
The natural inclinations followed will work out in inconsistencies of conduct, in wrong speech, in disregard of God's Word, in profane language, in the thoughts.-- Ms 77, 1897.
Scale of Usefulness -- The young men and women who join the church should have a
special education in the work for which they are adapted. But if one continues to choose a
low, common train of conversation, receive him not as a worker. He will do more than can
be counteracted to spoil the other workers. . . . The words, the spirit, the attitude,
determine the scale of usefulness.-- RH March 22, 1898.