The students are in our schools for a special training to become acquainted with all lines of work that should they go out as missionaries they could be self-reliant and able, through their educated ability, to furnish themselves with necessary conveniences and facilities. Whether men or women, they should learn to mend, wash, and keep their own clothes in order. They should be able to cook their own meals. They should be familiar with agriculture and with mechanical pursuits. Thus they can lighten their own expenses, and, by their example, inculcate principles of thrift and economy. These lessons can best be taught where economy in all things is conscientiously practised.
Not only for the financial welfare of the schools, but also as an education to the students, economy should be faithfully studied and conscientiously and diligently practised. The managers must guard carefully every point, that there may be no needless expense, to bring a burden of debt upon the school. Every student who loves God supremely will help to bear the responsibility in this matter. Those who have been educated to do this can demonstrate by precept and example to those with whom they come in contact the principles taught by our self-denying Redeemer. Self-indulgence is a great evil and must be overcome.
Some have felt reluctant to let the students know of
the financial embarrassment of the schools; but it will be far better for the students to see and understand our lack of means, for they will thus be able to help in the practise of economy. Many who come to our schools leave homes that are unadorned and where they have been accustomed to eat simple food without a number of courses. What influence will our example have on these? Let us teach them that while we have so many ways in which to use our means; while thousands are starving, dying of the plague, of famine, of bloodshed, and of fire, it becomes every one of us to consider carefully, to get nothing that is needless, simply to gratify appetite or to make an appearance.
If our schools are conducted on right lines, debts will not be piling up, and still the students will be made comfortable, and the table will be supplied with plenty of good, substantial food. Our economy must never be of that kind which would lead to providing meagre meals. Students should have an abundance of wholesome food. But let those in charge of the cooking gather up the fragments that nothing be lost.
Students should be taught to guard carefully their own
property and that of the school. They should be made to
understand the duty to bind about every needless expense
at the school and while travelling to and from their homes.
Self-denial is essential. We must heed the instruction
given, for we are nearing the end of time. More and
more shall we be obliged to plan, and devise, and
economise. We cannot manage as if we had a bank on which
to draw in case of emergency; therefore we must not get
into straitened places. As individuals and as managers of
the Lord's institutions we shall necessarily have to cut
away everything intended for display and bring our
expenses within the narrow compass of our income.