Parent Category: Ellen White Books (T-Z)
Category: Testimonies, Vol. 5
Hits: 1208
"Those who are reproved by the Spirit of God should not rise up against the
humble instrument. It is God, and not an erring mortal, who has spoken to save
them from ruin." [VOL. 3, P. 257 (1873).] It is not pleasing to human nature to
receive reproof, nor is it possible for the heart of man, unenlightened by the
Spirit of God, to realize the necessity of reproof or the blessing it is
designed to bring. As man yields to temptation, and indulges in sin, his mind
becomes darkened. The moral sense is perverted. The warnings of conscience are
disregarded, and its voice is less clearly heard. He gradually loses the power
to distinguish between right and wrong, until he has no true sense or his
standing before God. He may observe the forms of religion and zealously maintain
its doctrines, while destitute of its spirit. His condition is that described by
the True Witness: "Thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have
need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and
poor, and blind, and naked." When the Spirit of God, by message of reproof,
declares this to be his condition, he cannot see that the message is true. Is he
therefore to reject the warning? No. God has given sufficient evidence, so that
all who desire to do so may satisfy themselves as to the character of the
Testimonies; and, having acknowledged them to be from God, it is their duty to
accept reproof, even though they do not themselves see the sinfulness of their
course. If they fully realized their condition, what would be the need of
reproof? Because they know it not, God mercifully sets it before them, so that
they may repent and reform before it shall be too late. "Those who despise the
warning will be left in blindness to become self-deceived; but those who heed
it, and zealously go about the work of separating their sins from them in order
to have the needed graces, will be opening the door of their hearts that the
dear Saviour may come in and dwell with them." [VOL. 3, P. 257 (1873).] Those
who are most closely connected with God are
the ones who know His voice when He speaks to them. Those who are spiritual
discern spiritual things. Such will feel grateful that the Lord has pointed out
their errors." [VOL. 5, P. 134.]
"David learned wisdom from God's dealings with him and bowed in humility
beneath the chastisement of the Most High. The faithful portrayal of his true
state by the prophet Nathan made David acquainted with his own sins and aided
him to put them away. He accepted counsel meekly and humiliated himself before
God. 'The law of the Lord,' he exclaims, 'is perfect, converting the soul.'"
[VOL. 4, PP. 14, 15 (1876).]
"If ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye . . .
not sons." Our Lord has said: "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten." "No
chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless
afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are
exercised thereby." Though bitter the discipline, it is appointed by a Father's
tender love, "that we might be partakers of His holiness."