Theatrical Entertainments

Those who bear the responsibility at the sanatorium should be exceedingly guarded that the amusements shall not be of a character to lower the standard of Christianity, bringing this institution down upon a level with others, and weakening the

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power of true godliness in the minds of those who are connected with it.

Worldly or theatrical entertainments are not essential for the prosperity of the sanatorium or for the health of the patients. The more they have of this kind of amusements, the less will they be pleased unless something of the kind shall be continually carried on. The mind is in a fever of unrest for something new and exciting, the very thing it ought not to have. And if these amusements are once allowed, they are expected again, and the patients lose their relish for any simple arrangement to occupy the time. Repose, rather than excitement, is what many of the patients need.

As soon as these entertainments are introduced, the objections to theatre-going are removed from many minds, and the plea that moral and high-toned scenes are to be acted at the theatre, breaks down the last barrier. * * *

Formation of Habits

When there has been a departure from the right path, it is difficult to return. Barriers have been removed, safeguards broken down. One step in the wrong direction prepares the way for another. * * *

What we do once we more readily and naturally do again; and to go forward in a certain path, be it right or wrong, is more easy than to start. It takes less time and labour to corrupt our ways before God than to engraft upon the character habits of righteousness and truth. * * *

Maladies of the Soul

The managers of the sanatorium may as well conclude at once that they will never be able to satisfy that class of minds that can find happiness only in something new and exciting. To many persons this has been the intellectual diet during their lifetime.

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There are mental as well as physical dyspeptics. Many are suffering from maladies of the soul far more than from diseases of the body, and they will find no relief until they shall come to Christ, the well-spring of life. Complaints of weariness, loneliness, and dissatisfaction will then cease, satisfying joys will give vigour to the mind, and health and vital energy to the body.

If physicians and workers flatter themselves that they are to find a panacea for the varied ills of their patients by supplying them with a round of amusements similar to those which have been the curse of their lives, they will be disappointed. Let not these entertainments be placed in the position which the living Fountain should occupy. The hungry, thirsty soul will continue to hunger and thirst as long as it partakes of these unsatisfying pleasures. But those who drink of the living water will thirst no more for frivolous, sensual, exciting amusements. The ennobling principles of religion will strengthen the mental powers, and will destroy a taste for the gratifications.-- Testimonies." Vol. IV, pages 577-579 .

A Reformatory work

The success of the sanatorium depends upon its maintaining the simplicity of godliness, and shunning the world's follies in eating, drinking, dressing, and amusements. It must be reformatory in all its principles. Let nothing be invented to satisfy the wants of the soul, and take the room and time which Christ and His service demand; for this will destroy the power of the institution as God's instrumentality to convert poor, sin-sick souls, who, ignorant of the way of life and peace, have sought for happiness in pride and vain folly.-- "Testimonies." Vol. IV, page 586 .

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