Accountable to God --"Let every one who sits in council and committee meetings write in his heart the words, I am working for time and for eternity; and I am accountable to God for the motives that prompt me to action. Let this be his motto. Let the prayer of the psalmist be his prayer: 'Set a watch O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to any evil thing'." Psalm 141:3, 4. Testimonies , Volume 7, pp. 258, 259.
More Prayer --"If there were more prayer in the councils of those bearing responsibilities, more humbling of the heart before God, we should see abundant evidence of divine leadership, and our work would make rapid progress." Testimonies , Volume 8, p. 238.
Don't Debate Minor Items --"In our business meetings, it is important that precious time should not be consumed in debating points that are of small consequence. The habit of petty criticism should not be indulged; for it perplexes and confuses minds, and shrouds in mystery the things that are most plain and simple."-- Gospel Workers , p. 447.
Conduct Meeting in Business-Like Manner --"Let them not waste a moment in unimportant conversation; for the Lord's business should be conducted in a business-like, perfect way. If some member of a committee is careless and irreverent, let him be reminded that he is in the presence of a Witness by whom all actions are weighed."-- Testimonies , Volume 9, p. 258.