Here are some profound reasons why the Bible shows that we should be observing the Holy Sabbath of God, as the weekly day of worship to God, in our age, today:
1. IN THE BEGINNING God created the Sabbath day (Gen. 2:3).
2. God rested from His labors on the seventh-day (Gen. 2:2).
3. The Sabbath was made for man, that is, for all mankind (Mark 2:27).
4. God blessed the seventh-day because on it He rested from the work of His creation (Gen. 2:2; Ex. 20:11).
5. God blessed the seventh-day and named it Sabbath (Ex. 20:10-11).
6. God not only blessed the seventh-day, but He also sanctified it, that is made it holy by His presence and declaration (Gen. 2:3).
7. There is no record in all the Scriptures that God ever removed His blessing from the Sabbath and placed it upon another day of the week.
8. God's people kept the Sabbath before the Ten Commandments were given at Mount Sinai (Ex. 16:22-26).
9. God ordained that man should keep the Sabbath (Ex. 20; Heb. 4:3-9).
10. God forbade work on the Sabbath day even in harvest time (Ex. 34:21).
11. God promised the Gentiles, those of all nations, a blessing if they kept the Sabbath (Isa. 56:2).
12. God Promised to bless anyone who keeps the Sabbath (Isa. 56:2).
13. Nowhere in the Bible do we find a command to observe any other day of the week as holy, as a substitute or replacement of the seventh-day Sabbath.
14. God calls the Sabbath His holy day (Ex. 20:10; Lev. 23:2-3; Isa. 58:13; Mk. 2:28).
15. The keeping of the Sabbaths, weekly and annually, is a sign between God and His people (Ex. 31:12-17).
16. The Sabbath commandment, one of the longest of the Ten, is one of the commandments God gave to His people to observe that shows our love and obedience towards God (Ex. 20:8-11; Deut. 5:12-15; Mat. 22:37-40).
17. Jesus kept and observed the Sabbath as a habit, which expressed His love and obedience toward God the Father (Lk. 4:16).
18. Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath, and as such the Sabbath is the TRUE LORD'S DAY (Mk.2:28; Isa. 58:13; Mat. 12:8).
19. Jesus Christ recognized the Sabbath commandment as binding (Mat. 12:12; 5:17-18; Mk. 3:4).
20. Jesus Christ kept His Father's commandments which included the seventh-day Sabbath (John 15:10; 8:29; 5:46-47).
21. The Sabbath was observed at the time of the crucifixion (Lk. 23:56).
22. Observance of the Sabbath was the practice years after the crucifixion (Acts 17:2).
23. Paul recognized and observed the Sabbath during his ministry, about 45 A.D. (Acts 13:27).
24. Paul taught the Gentiles on the Sabbath day, at their own request (Acts 13:42).
25. Paul preached to an entire city on the Sabbath day (Acts 13:44).
26. Paul attended a prayer meeting on the Sabbath day, when no synagogue was available (Acts 16:13).
27. It was Paul's custom to preach Jesus Christ on the Sabbath day (Acts 17:2-3).
28. At Corinth Paul preached every Sabbath for eighteen months (Acts 18:1-4.11).
29. James recognized the seventh-day Sabbath many years after Christ's resurrection (Acts 15:21).
30. The seventh-day Sabbath will be observed and kept during the time of the millennium (Isa. 66:23).
31. The apostle Paul made it clear that the day of rest, the seventh day Sabbath was to be observed as a holy day (Heb. 4:4).
32. The sanctity of the seventh-day was never changed by Jesus Christ, nor by the apostles, to the first day of the week, neither was it changed by the resurrection of Jesus Christ nor otherwise. Christ rose "IN THE END OF THE SABBATH" and not on Sunday (Mat. 28:1-6).
33. As part of our Christian requirements to receive eternal life that we must keep all of God's Ten Commandments (Mat. 19:17; Rev. 22:14).
34. The seventh-day Sabbath remains as the day of rest for God's people (Heb. 4:9).
35. Jesus warned that in the end time, as the tribulation was beginning, that we should not flee on the Sabbath (Mat. 24:20).
36.The sign of God's people in the end time is that they would be keeping the commandments of God (Rev. 12:17; 14:12).