adjured: This is to be regarded as a prediction, that he who rebuilded this city should lose all his children in the interim between the laying of the foundation to the completion of the walls. Num 5:19-21, 1Sa 14:24-46, 1Ki 22:16, Mat 26:63, Act 19:13
Cursed: 1Ki 16:34, Mal 1:4
Reciprocal: Gen 27:7 - before the Lev 27:28 - no devoted Num 5:21 - an oath Num 21:2 - I will Deu 13:16 - an heap Deu 13:17 - the Lord Jos 16:7 - Jericho Jdg 9:57 - upon them 2Ki 2:4 - Jericho 2Ki 2:19 - the water Dan 2:5 - made Hab 2:12 - him Luk 19:1 - Jericho Act 23:12 - under a curse