carried: Mat 24:4, Mat 24:24, Act 20:30, Rom 16:17, Rom 16:18, 2Co 11:11-15, Gal 1:6-9, Eph 4:14, Eph 5:6, Col 2:4, Col 2:8, 2Th 2:2, 1Ti 4:1-3, 1Ti 6:3-5, 1Ti 6:20, 1Jo 4:1, Jud 1:3
it is: Act 20:32, 2Co 1:21, Gal 6:1, 2Th 2:17, 2Ti 2:1, 2Ti 2:2
not with: Heb 9:9, Heb 9:10, Lev 11:1-47, Deu 14:3-21, Act 10:14-16, Rom 14:2, Rom 14:6, Rom 14:17, 1Co 6:13, 1Co 8:8, Col 2:16-20, 1Ti 4:3-5, Tit 1:14, Tit 1:15
Reciprocal: Lev 11:2 - General Psa 112:8 - heart Isa 55:2 - do ye Mat 15:9 - teaching Mat 15:11 - that which goeth Mar 7:15 - nothing Luk 5:38 - General Joh 6:63 - the flesh Act 13:43 - the grace Act 16:5 - so Rom 1:11 - to the Rom 3:1 - advantage 1Co 3:12 - wood 1Co 13:3 - profiteth 1Co 14:6 - what shall I 2Co 11:3 - so Gal 2:13 - carried Col 2:20 - subject 1Ti 1:4 - godly 1Ti 4:8 - bodily 1Ti 4:16 - unto the 2Ti 2:14 - to no 2Ti 3:10 - my Heb 7:18 - the weakness Jam 1:6 - he Jam 2:14 - What 2Pe 1:12 - and be