provided: or, foreseen
better: Heb 7:19, Heb 7:22, Heb 8:6, Heb 9:23, Heb 12:24
they without: Heb 9:8-15, Heb 10:11-14, Rom 3:25, Rom 3:26
made: Heb 5:9, Heb 12:23, Rev 6:11, The apostle in the early part of the chapter having given us a general account of the grace of faith, proceeds to set before us some illustrious examples of it in Old Testament times. The leading instance and example of faith recorded, is that of righteous Abel: one of the first saints and the first martyr for religion - one who lived by faith and died for it, and therefore a fit pattern for the Hebrews to imitate. It is observable that the Holy Spirit has not thought fit to say anything here of the faith of our first parents; and yet the church of God has generally, by a pious charity, taken it for granted that God gave them repentance and faith in the promised seed; that he instructed them in the mystery of sacrificing, that they instructed their children in it, and that they found mercy with God, after they had ruined themselves and all their posterity. But God has left the matter still under some doubt, as a warning to all who have great talents given to them, and a great trust reposed in them, that they do not prove unfaithful, since God would not enrol our first parents among the number of believers in this blessed calendar. - Henry.
Reciprocal: Isa 60:17 - brass Jer 33:14 - General Eze 36:11 - will do Mat 11:11 - greater Mat 13:17 - That many Luk 7:28 - but Joh 1:17 - grace 2Co 1:20 - all Gal 3:17 - the covenant Gal 3:23 - the faith Eph 1:10 - in the Eph 3:5 - in other Heb 9:9 - the time Heb 9:15 - for 1Pe 1:10 - the grace 1Pe 1:12 - that not