ye shall: Col 2:18, Gen 15:1, Rth 2:12, Pro 11:18, Mat 5:12, Mat 5:46, Mat 6:1, Mat 6:2, Mat 6:5, Mat 6:16, Mat 10:41, Luk 6:35, Luk 14:14, Rom 2:6, Rom 2:7, Rom 4:4, Rom 4:5, 1Co 3:8, 1Co 9:17, 1Co 9:18, Eph 6:8, Heb 9:15, Heb 10:35, Heb 11:6
for: Joh 12:26, Rom 1:1, Rom 14:18, 1Co 7:22, Gal 1:10, Eph 6:6, 2Pe 1:1, Jud 1:1
Reciprocal: Rth 1:8 - the dead 2Ch 15:7 - your work Mar 13:34 - and to Act 20:19 - Serving Act 20:32 - and to give Rom 16:18 - serve 1Co 7:24 - abide 2Co 5:10 - receive Eph 1:11 - we Eph 6:1 - in Heb 10:36 - ye might 1Pe 2:16 - but