Circumcision: 1Co 8:8, Rom 2:25-29, Rom 3:30, Gal 5:6, Gal 6:15
but: 1Sa 15:22, Jer 7:22, Jer 7:23, Mat 5:19, Joh 15:14, 1Jo 2:3, 1Jo 2:4, 1Jo 3:22-24, 1Jo 5:2, 1Jo 5:3, Rev 22:14
Reciprocal: Gen 17:10 - Every Gen 17:23 - circumcised Gen 34:24 - every male Deu 30:10 - hearken unto Deu 30:16 - to love Jos 5:5 - they had not Pro 19:16 - keepeth the Luk 8:15 - keep Joh 15:10 - ye keep Act 15:1 - ye Act 16:3 - and took Rom 2:26 - General Rom 4:10 - not in circumcision 1Co 9:21 - not 1Co 13:2 - I am Gal 3:28 - neither Col 3:11 - circumcision 2Th 3:4 - that