though I bestow: Mat 6:1-4, Mat 23:5, Luk 18:22, Luk 18:28, Luk 19:8, Luk 21:3, Luk 21:4, Joh 12:43, Gal 5:26, Phi 1:15-18
though I give: Dan 3:16-28, Mat 7:22, Mat 7:23, Joh 13:37, Joh 15:13, Act 21:13, Phi 1:20, Phi 1:21, Phi 2:3
profiteth: Isa 57:12, Jer 7:8, Joh 6:63, 1Ti 4:8, Heb 13:9, Jam 2:14-17
Reciprocal: Luk 10:20 - in this Luk 10:42 - one 1Co 13:1 - I speak 1Co 13:2 - and have 1Co 14:6 - what shall I Heb 4:2 - did Jam 2:17 - so