But now: Rom 6:14, Rom 6:18, Rom 8:2, Joh 8:32, 2Co 3:17, Gal 5:13
become: Rom 7:25, Gen 50:17, Job 1:8, Psa 86:2, Psa 143:12, Isa 54:17, Dan 3:26, Dan 6:20, Gal 1:10, Col 4:12, Tit 1:1, Jam 1:1, 1Pe 2:16, Rev 7:13
ye have: Psa 92:14, Joh 15:2, Joh 15:16, Gal 5:22, Eph 5:9, Phi 1:11, Phi 4:17, Col 1:10
and the end: Rom 6:21, Num 23:10, Psa 37:37, Psa 37:38, Mat 13:40, Mat 13:43, Mat 19:29, Mat 25:46, Joh 4:36
Reciprocal: Lev 25:42 - my servants Lev 25:55 - my servants Deu 6:24 - for our good Deu 27:9 - this day 2Ch 30:8 - serve Psa 58:11 - a reward for Psa 116:16 - thou hast Psa 119:125 - I am thy Pro 12:12 - the root Pro 12:28 - General Pro 23:18 - surely Pro 31:31 - of the Ecc 7:2 - that Isa 26:13 - other Mat 19:16 - eternal Luk 1:74 - that we Luk 8:15 - bring Luk 15:15 - to feed Luk 20:38 - for all Joh 3:15 - eternal Joh 5:23 - all men Joh 15:5 - same Act 27:23 - and Rom 6:6 - that henceforth Rom 6:19 - unto holiness Rom 7:4 - that we Rom 7:6 - serve Rom 14:18 - in Gal 6:8 - of the Spirit 1Th 4:3 - your Tit 3:3 - serving Heb 9:14 - to serve Heb 12:14 - and holiness 1Pe 1:9 - General 1Pe 2:24 - live Rev 7:3 - the servants