if some: Rom 9:6, Rom 10:16, Rom 11:1-7, Heb 4:2
shall: Rom 11:29, Num 23:19, 1Sa 15:29, Isa 54:9, Isa 54:10, Isa 55:11, Isa 65:15, Isa 65:16, Jer 33:24-26, Mat 24:35, 2Ti 2:13, Heb 6:13-18
faith: Psa 84:7, Joh 1:16, 2Co 3:18, 2Th 1:3, Tit 1:1, Tit 1:2
Reciprocal: 2Ki 7:2 - thou shalt see it Eze 2:5 - whether Mar 15:32 - that Luk 1:20 - which Joh 3:33 - hath set Joh 5:34 - that Act 28:24 - General Rom 1:17 - from faith Rom 3:2 - Much Rom 11:20 - because Rom 15:8 - for the 1Co 6:15 - God Gal 3:17 - none Heb 4:1 - a promise