Christ: Rom 3:25-31, Rom 8:3, Rom 8:4, Isa 53:11, Mat 3:15, Mat 5:17, Mat 5:18, Joh 1:17, Act 13:38, Act 13:39, 1Co 1:30, Gal 3:24, Col 2:10, Col 2:17, Heb 9:7-14, Heb 10:8-12, Heb 10:14
the end: τελος [Strong's G5056], the object, scope, or final cause; the end proposed and intended. In this sense Eisner observes that τελος [Strong's G5056] is used by Arrian.
Reciprocal: Exo 25:21 - mercy seat Exo 34:33 - a veil Exo 40:20 - mercy Lev 4:25 - put Lev 4:30 - upon the horns Lev 4:34 - the horns of the altar Lev 4:35 - and the priest shall make Num 7:15 - General Psa 98:2 - righteousness Isa 42:21 - he will Isa 54:17 - and their Luk 10:28 - this Joh 5:46 - for Joh 6:29 - This Joh 16:10 - righteousness Joh 19:30 - It is Rom 3:21 - righteousness Rom 3:31 - yea Rom 4:11 - father 2Co 3:7 - which 2Co 3:13 - to the 2Co 5:21 - we Gal 2:19 - through Phi 3:9 - which is of the 1Ti 1:5 - the end