received: Mat 10:40, Mat 18:5, Col 2:6
to them: Isa 56:5, Jer 3:19, Hos 1:10, Rom 8:14, 2Co 6:17, 2Co 6:18, Gal 3:26, Gal 4:6, 2Pe 1:4, 1Jo 3:1
power: or, the right, or privilege
even: Joh 2:23, Joh 3:18, Joh 20:31, Mat 12:21, Act 3:16, 1Jo 3:23, 1Jo 5:12
Reciprocal: Deu 14:1 - the children 2Sa 7:24 - art become Psa 87:5 - of Zion Isa 53:1 - Who Mat 13:38 - the good Mar 4:8 - fell Mar 16:16 - that believeth and Luk 8:8 - other Joh 3:15 - whosoever Joh 3:36 - that believeth on Joh 8:47 - General Joh 20:17 - your Father Act 16:31 - Believe Act 18:27 - believed Rom 5:11 - by whom Rom 9:16 - General Rom 10:10 - For with Gal 4:5 - that we Gal 4:31 - we Eph 1:5 - unto Eph 2:8 - that Eph 5:1 - as Phi 1:29 - not Col 2:12 - the faith 1Ti 1:15 - worthy 1Jo 5:13 - believe