a camel: Some render a cable; but it may justly be doubted whether καμηλος [Strong's G2574] ever was so translated before, for the word for a cable, as the scholiast on Aristophanes expressly affirms, is written καμιλος, not with an "e" η, but with an "i" ι. Some few manuscripts, it is true, have got the word καμιλος into the text, but it is evidently an attempted improvement. Mat 23:24
Reciprocal: Mat 5:20 - ye Mat 7:21 - shall Mat 13:22 - the deceitfulness Mat 19:24 - It Mar 10:25 - General Luk 1:53 - and Luk 8:14 - and are Luk 16:19 - rich 1Co 1:26 - not many mighty