feared: Mar 11:18, Mar 11:32, Mat 21:26, Mat 21:45, Mat 21:46, Luk 20:6, Luk 20:19, Joh 7:25, Joh 7:30, Joh 7:44
knew: 2Sa 12:7-15, 1Ki 20:38-41, 1Ki 21:17-27
Reciprocal: Num 23:7 - he took 1Ki 21:20 - Hast thou found me Jer 12:6 - thy brethren Eze 24:3 - utter Mic 2:4 - shall Zep 2:5 - the word Mat 13:3 - in Mar 12:7 - This Luk 19:47 - the chief priests