This: Mat 2:13-16, Mat 26:3, Mat 26:4, Mat 27:1, Mat 27:2, Gen 37:18-20, Psa 2:2-8, Mar 12:7, Mar 12:8, Luk 20:14, Joh 11:47-53, Act 4:27, Act 4:28, Act 5:24-28
Reciprocal: Exo 1:16 - then ye shall Jdg 16:2 - kill him 2Sa 17:2 - I will smite 1Ki 1:12 - the life 2Ki 11:1 - and destroyed Psa 2:1 - people Psa 40:14 - that Jer 7:26 - they did Jer 11:9 - General Mat 12:45 - Even Mat 27:23 - But Mar 9:31 - The Son Mar 11:18 - and Luk 9:44 - for Luk 19:12 - a far Luk 22:2 - General Joh 7:1 - because Joh 7:19 - Why Joh 16:20 - but the Heb 1:2 - appointed Jam 5:6 - have