when: Mat 21:23, Mat 26:3, Mat 26:59, Mat 27:1, Mat 27:20, Isa 26:11, Mar 11:18, Luk 19:39, Luk 19:40, Luk 20:1, Luk 22:2, Luk 22:66, Joh 11:47-49, Joh 11:57, Joh 12:19
Hosanna: Mat 21:9, Mat 22:42, Joh 7:42
they were: Joh 4:1
Reciprocal: 1Ki 1:41 - the city Neh 12:43 - the wives also Psa 20:9 - Save Psa 148:12 - young men Isa 28:9 - weaned Jer 26:7 - General Mat 2:4 - the chief Mat 9:27 - Thou Luk 18:38 - Jesus Heb 12:3 - contradiction