ye shall eat: The prohibition of the fat or suet, which was restricted to animals offered in sacrifice, taught reverence to the altar and ordinances of God; but that of blood, which was extended to all land animals, had especial respect to the atoning blood of the sacrifice, and of the great antitype which the sacrifice prefigured. Lev 3:17, Lev 17:10-14, Gen 9:4, 1Sa 14:33, 1Sa 14:34, Eze 33:25, Joh 6:53, Act 15:20, Act 15:29, Eph 1:7, 1Ti 4:4
Reciprocal: Lev 9:21 - the breasts Lev 17:13 - which hunteth Lev 19:26 - with the blood Deu 12:16 - General Deu 15:23 - General 1Sa 14:32 - did eat