The boar: This wild boar, chazir, is the parent stock of our domestic hog. He is much smaller, but stronger, and more undaunted, colour, an iron grey inclining to black; snout, longer than that of the common breed: ears comparatively short; tusks, very formidable; and habits, fierce and savage. He is particularly destructive to corn-fields and vineyards. 2Ki 18:1 - 2Ki 19:37, 2Ki 24:1 - 2Ki 25:30, 2Ch 32:1-33, 2Ch 36:1-23, Jer 4:7, Jer 39:1-3, Jer 51:34, Jer 52:7, Jer 52:12-14
Reciprocal: 2Ch 25:18 - a wild beast Psa 44:9 - General Psa 79:1 - the heathen Psa 79:7 - For they Psa 89:41 - All Son 2:15 - the foxes Jer 14:19 - utterly Eze 19:12 - she was Hos 13:8 - wild beast Nah 2:2 - for