consult: Psa 2:1-3, Mat 2:3, Mat 2:4, Mat 2:16, Mat 22:15, Mat 22:23, Mat 22:34, Mat 22:35, Mat 26:3, Mat 26:4, Mat 27:1, Joh 11:47-50, Act 4:16, Act 4:17, Act 4:25-28
delight: Psa 52:3, Psa 119:163, Pro 6:17, Pro 13:5, Hos 7:3, Joh 8:44, Rom 1:32, Rev 22:15
bless: Psa 28:3, Psa 55:21, Luk 20:20
inwardly: Heb. in their inward parts, Psa 5:9, Psa 51:6, Luk 11:39, Rom 7:22
Reciprocal: Psa 10:7 - full Psa 12:2 - flattering Psa 27:2 - wicked Psa 38:12 - speak Psa 144:8 - mouth Isa 59:4 - and speak Dan 6:7 - have consulted Mar 14:1 - by Luk 14:1 - they Luk 23:2 - forbidding Act 24:9 - General Jam 3:9 - Therewith