Let the king: Far from wishing ill to my master, I wish him to live forever. 1Ki 1:31, Dan 2:4, Dan 3:9, Dan 5:10, Dan 6:6, Dan 6:21
the city: Neh 1:3, Psa 102:14, Psa 137:6, Lam 2:9
the place: 2Ch 21:20, 2Ch 28:27, 2Ch 32:33
Reciprocal: Gen 47:30 - General Lev 26:31 - And I will make Neh 2:13 - the walls Est 4:8 - request Est 8:6 - the evil Psa 74:3 - the perpetual Psa 137:1 - the rivers Psa 137:5 - I forget Isa 5:5 - I will take Isa 44:26 - and I will Jer 8:21 - the hurt Jer 51:50 - remember