And there: The LXX connecting this the with preceding verse, render, και κατευθυναν τον Ιορδανην εμπροσθεν του βασιλεως, και ελειτουργησαν την λειτουργιαν του διαβιβασαι τον βασιλεα, "and they made ready Jordan before the king, and did the necessary service to bring over the king."
The Vulgate has: et irrumpentes Jordanem, ante regem transierunt vada, ut traducerent domum regis, "and breaking into Jordan, they passed the fords before the king, to bring over the king's household." Josephus says they prepared a bridge over the Jordan, to facilitate his passage.
what he thought good: Heb. the good in his eyes
fell down: Psa 66:3, Psa 81:15, Rev 3:9
Reciprocal: 1Ki 18:7 - fell on Psa 119:42 - have wherewith