Spiritual Gifts
1. Below is a list of some demonic activities. If you have ever participated in one, circle it If you know someone who is active in one of these, put a check by it.

Seance Ouija boards Fortune tellers
Astrology Witchcraft Satanism
Psychics New Age Secret societies
Tarot cards White or black magic Metaphysics
Cults Trances Praying to the spirits of the dead

2. Read Matthew 12:25-37. Make a list of the ways you know that a given activity is demonic.

3. Read 1 John 4:1-3. How does one discern evil spirits?

4. Are you able to discern evil spirits from the Spirit of God? Who do you know who can discern spirits? Who do you know that can pray for those demonised to be delivered?

5. Write a prayer to cover and protect yourself, your family and your church from demonic attack.

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