he: Mat 10:38, Mat 16:24, Mat 27:31-33, Mar 8:34, Mar 10:21, Mar 15:21, Mar 15:22, Luk 9:23, Luk 14:27, Luk 23:26, Luk 23:33
went: Lev 16:21, Lev 16:22, Lev 24:14, Num 15:35, Num 15:36, 1Ki 21:13, Luk 23:33, Act 7:58, Heb 13:11-13
Golgotha: Golgotha, of which Κρανιον [Strong's G2898] and Calvaria are merely translations, is supposed to have been a hill, or a rising on a greater hill, on the north-west of Jerusalem. Mat 27:33, Mat 27:34, Mar 15:21, Mar 15:22, Luk 23:33
Reciprocal: Gen 22:6 - laid it Joh 12:32 - if Act 21:40 - Hebrew Heb 13:12 - suffered Rev 16:16 - the Hebrew