Amon. [Heb. Amon. In personal names of Hebrew origin Amon means "faithful," but when representing the Egyptian deity it is a transliteration of the Egyptian Imn, which means "the hidden one." Gr. Amo µn].
1. The governor of Samaria in Ahab's time (1 Ki 22:26; 2 Chr 18:25).
2. The 15th king of Judah, the southern kingdom, who reigned 2 years (c. 642-640 b.c.). He was the son of Manasseh and followed his father's evil example. His life ended in a palace revolution (2 Ki 21:19-26; 2 Chr 33:21-25). His name (RSV, following the Greek NT spelling, has "Amos") appears in Matthew's genealogy of Jesus (ch 1:10).
3. An ancestral name for one group of "Solomon's servants," who returned with Zerubbabel from the Babylonian exile Zerubbabel from the Babylonian exile (Neh 7:57-59; called sons of Ami (a\'m ) [Heb. AméÆ] in Ezr 2:57).
4. An Egyptian god, also called Amen, originally the local god of Thebes, the city of Upper Egypt called No in the KJV of Jer 46:25 and Nah 3:8. The word translated "multitude" (Jer 46:25) and "populous" (Nah 3:8) in the KJV is ÕAmon, so that Thebes is called literally "Amon of No" or "No Amon," showing that the name of the god is part of the name of the city. Amon became the chief god of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom (c. 2025-c. 1780 b.c.), and from the 19th dynasty on (beginning c. 1590 b.c.) was identified with the sun-god Ra, and thenceforth was called Amon-Ra, and regarded as the King of gods. Amon, with his consort Mut (meaning "mother") and his son Khonsu, a moon-god, formed a Theban triad. Since the animal sacred to Amon was the ram, the deity is depicted either as a god with a ram's head or in the form of an man wearing a disk with two long feathers as a crown. Amon was also worshiped at Siwa in North Africa, west of Egypt, and was known to the Greeks as Zeus Ammon -- Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary.